Crude and Fast Spelljamming Rules for Troika


Most crystal spheres are 1 week from each-other via the humpback sky. There are usually going to be 3-4 crystal spheres visible from any 1 point in the humpback sky, and heading to them visually doesn't require a navigation roll.

1 Week's travel via the humpback sky eats up a plasma core on average

A ship can move inside a crystal sphere so long as there is a connected plasma core and a person at the helm. Assume that even if the core was used for intersphere travel it allows the ship to run on fumes

Traveling to more distant crystal spheres requires navigation, and the use of relevant navigational tools and rolls such as astromancy. 

Ship Combat

Ships have an armor and hull rating. Armor acts like it does in Troika. Hull = HP for the location hit. Anything beyond that = breach and can injure people inside that section.

Use a D6 x D6 Chart of the ship to handle location hit. On a breach, have the people in that section test luck or take whatever leftover damage. Mark a section red after a breach, and continue adding red patches to a section on further breaches. 

Secondary Breaches: On a breach to a damaged area, have anyone in that area test their luck. If there is no one in that area, whoever is closest must test their luck. On a fail, that area is unusable until repaired, and anyone inside takes the full brunt of the attack, and must test skill (or any appropriate advanced skill) to avoid being blasted out into the hump back sky. 

Example of D6xD6 chart for ship

Use Fusilier/Dragon Breath as ship weapons, depending on power of ship.

Ships have Armor, Hull, Speed and Weapon Stats that are usable in combat.

Helping Out

Players can arm the weapons, handle repairs, assist in the plasma core room, or with the sails in order to help. 


1. Plasma Core - make a roll when the pilot is trying to push the vessel beyond normal speed

2. Sails - To assist with complex maneuvers

3. Repairs - rolls to fix hull breaches, sails, etc

4. Weapons - attack rolls like in Troika - against skill normally, opposed by other helmsman if opposing ship actively taking maneuvers

Random Encounters - roll d66 (1st = 10s place, 2nd = ones place)

10. Traders 1. Spider People 2. Hippo People 3. Imperial Rogue Trader 4. Wizards! 5. Illithid 6. Curse

20. Space Weather 1. Farts 2.Eel Storm 3. Balmy/pleasant wind 4. Deadly 5. Ghosts 6. plasma

30. Magic Nonsense 1. Spell reversal imp 2. Elemental flow 3. Planar portal 4. Wizard Fight 5. Alignment energy stream 6. Patron level magical being

40. Space Creatures 1. Space whales being hunted 2. Space whales 3. Energy beings 4.Dragon 5. Baby god 6. Giant fungal or bacterial living thing

50. Curious Wreck 1. Illithid 2. Imperial 3. Obvi hyper valuable 4. Space Whale 5. Chaos/Law Pyramid 6. Negative version of own ship

60. Rogue Planets 1. Water world 2. Desert 3. Ice 4. M class 5. Golden goo 6. Vampire Planet


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