Fire and Earth Priests

Priests in Dark Sun get their power from elemental spirits, nature or Sorcerer Kings. Those sources of power are all different, and in this entry, I'll cover additional spells and powers granted to Fire and Earth priests in addition to what is already provided in the Obsidian Hack player's guide.

For each, I will cover minor granted powers along with additional spells granted. Minor powers are granted at even levels (2, 4, 6, 8, 10). I'm only covering the first few levels of additional spells here

Fire Priests

Follow fire spirits and work towards their agenda in Athas by creating things for fire to consume, setting fires, etc.

Minor Powers - choose 1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10
Enflame - Create a matchstick sized spark from nothing.
Affect normal fire - Increase or decrease the luminescence of a small normal fire.
Cleansing Flame - Step into a campfire or larger flame to heal d4 hp, skip a meal, and clean self up
Control Flame - Gain control over small (torch head or smaller) flames.
Protection from Flame - Gain advantage to saves against fire

1st Level Spells
Elemental Bonding - Heal one creature by fixing elemental imbalance d4+1 limit - can’t heal full
Endure Heat/Endure Cold - Make one creature comfortable in -30 to 130 degrees for 1.5 hours/level
Faerie Fire - Outine up to 3 targets with twinkling light - +2 to hit in dark +1 twilight, reveal invisible
Log of Everburning - One wooden log burns brightly w/o being expended for 1hr/level.

2nd Level Spells
Clues of Ash - Relive minutes = to your level prior to when an object or creature was burned to ash.
Fire Trap - Set a trap on an object - opening it without noticing causes an explosion for d4 + level
Flame Blade -Produces a flaming scimitar, doing d4+6 damage, lasts d4+1 rounds + 2/level
Heat Metal - Heats metal, causes damage to ppl touching it: 1 HP, then d4, then 2d4/round
Produce Flame - Produce a torch sized bright flame, can be tossed for d4+1 damage, or set fires
Resist Fire/Resist Cold - Advantage to saves and 50% damage vs flame/cold

3rd Level Spells
Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental -Summon a weak elemental to aid you. 2 HD, 25% chance for 6HD
Create Smoke - Creates a dense cloud of choking smoke, in a 30' radius disadvantage to all within
Flame Walk - One creature can survive up to 2000 degree Fahrenheit (walk on lava) 1 round +1/level
Heat Exhaustion - Heat strikes foe, creating heat exhaustion - disadvantage until cooled.

Earth Priests

Priests who serve Earth spirits by doing things to hold onto what earth is remaining, plant trees to prevent erosion, etc.

Granted Minor Powers
Eliminate Tracks - Removes physical tracks, still leaves a scent
Encasement - Bury self under loose earth, sand, top soil up to 8 hours - heal fully
Meld into Stone - Meld into a piece of stone for 8 rounds + 1/level.
Enhanced Saving Throw - Advantage to saves versus earth magic 
Endure - Take HP damage to save plants/soil from defiling magic - 1hp/spell level.

1st Level Spells
Elemental Bonding -Heal one creature by fixing elemental imbalance d4+1 limit - can’t heal fully

Magical Stone- Turn 3 pebbles into magical +1 sling bullets for 1 point of extra damage

2nd Level Spells
 Dust Devil -Summons a 2 HD air elemental with weak attacks that manifests as a tornado of dust - d4+1 damage on a hit.

3rd Level Spells
Bramblestaff - Add brambles to a staff, advantage to attack, double damage for d4+level rounds
Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental - Summon a weak elemental to aid you. 2 HD, 25% chance of 6HD
Curse of the Black Sand - A foe must resist or leaves easily tracked oily footprints 
Meld into Stone - Meld into a piece of stone for 8 rounds + 1/level.
Oil Spray - Coats nearby targets in flammable oil. If lit, 2d6 damage on first, 1d6 on second. 
Sand Spray - Attack a target with sand to blind, and cause d10 hp damage. Must make attack roll.
Stone Shape - Mold stone into any shape - 3 ft cube + 1 ft per level


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